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7 Content Marketing Tips That Will Help You Boost Leads

Many online businesses try to generate as many leads as possible. However, due to the fierce competition in this space, it is getting increasingly harder to generate high quality leads in a scalable way. As with any online acquisition channel, you need to pay special attention towards the ROI of your marketing efforts and analyze their effectiveness. When it comes to online marketing efforts, content marketing holds a prominent place today. Content advertising has the potential to deliver positive results to any web-based business in a scalable and recurring way. The challenge, however, is that many businesses fail in designing a sustainable and effective content strategy that can achieve that . Here are 8 content marketing hacks that will definitely assist you to boost leads, improve the performance of you site and take your business to the next level.

Tip 1 – Go deep rather than wide – use more in-depth articles. Google, following the latest algorithm changes of Penguin, Panda and Hummingbird, is now in loves with in-depth articles and content. Furthermore, your potential customers can also get some deeper insights and information from this content. Writing in-depth articles naturally requires more effort, usually investing in some research for your topic. Writing such an article is very much like preparing an online marketing plan. It takes a lot of time, but it will be worth the effort and help generate a positive ROI. From our experience working with brands and businesses that use Trendemon, we see that articles which have 800 to 1,000 words receive on average a higher conversion score and help generate more leads.

go deep

Tip 2 – Creative block? Get some ideas from your customers – ask your customers what’s they’d like to learn more about. This will not only help you find new ideas to write about, but can also highlight certain pain points and business/product opportunities. Building content with your customers will help you better understand and optimize your typical customer journey.

how to deal with that writer’s block

Tip 3 – Repurpose the existing content – One of the tough things with content marketing is coming up with new ideas to write about. The good news, there’s a hack for that 🙂  its called repurposing. Repurosing means you take your core insights from your exiting content and integrate them into some other form. This can be a podcast, an infographic, presentation, video, etc. With B2B marketing, this can also take the shape of an ebook or a webinar. Here’s a nice post from advanced web ranking with more repurosing ideas – link and another great one from CMI – link.

Tip 4 – Include call to actions within your blog posts, effectively transforming them into landing pages. We come across many business owners that don’t regard their blog as an important source for lead generation. The irony is, as we see with our customers, when you look at the CRM data, leads that come the content sections of the site (blog, knowledge centers, etc.) yield a higher ROI in the long run. By including opt-in forms, call to actions and other means to convert this traffic, you are increasing the effectiveness of your content significantly.

Tip 5 – Help your audience consume your content with multimedia – Online marketers today have a myriad of different multimedia resources at their disposal. Also, in 2015 mobile access to the web overtook the pc (fixed) access (link). That’s why creating different forms of content, that can be easily created on mobile devices (like audio and videos) is becoming increasingly important. Video content marketing is becoming a major player with more distribution channels. Mobile friendly marketing methods include videos, podcasts, speaking gigs, blog posts and slide presentations. We see these methods working well at converting mobile traffic.

Tip 6 – Do guest postings – Guest postings will give you the opportunity to reach a larger or wider reach. However, just make sure to include hooks to send your readers back to a website/blog that you control. It also impacts your search engine optimization efforts since you will be getting quality backlinks from other domains.

Tip 7 – Use clear and simple headlines with inviting images – In today’s content rich (not to say saturated) environment, you have to grab the attention of your audience. Also, since you best source of traffic is organic through shares, keep in mind that the image and title is what most readers will first see in their feed. Test out different types of images to see which ones grab the attention of your users. You can use TrenDemon to look at your articles’ CTR scores from your dashboard and see which ones perform better than others. This will also be helpful when deciding which content to promote (just don’t forget to look at the article’s conversion score as well to see how effective it is at converting users)