First Name, Learn how Job Title use Trendemon’s hyper-personalized assets that convert 5X more than static pages and keep the entire buying group on the right track.
Watch this product tour to see it in action – view live examples and use cases.
> Create hyper-personalized landing pages and content streams at the contact-level.
> Generate thousands of personalized landing pages in minutes.
> Connect outbound efforts with inbound engagement and analytics.
> Click here to see a live example.
> Curate hand picked or AI-suggested sequences of content for specific personas.
> Serve relevant content at the contact-level to impact the entire buying group.
> Click here to see a live example.
Gain 5X higher conversion rates to pipeline compared to non-personalized pages.
Map website journeys of prospects, remarket to outbound audiences and personalize experiences at the contact level.
Aligns inbound marketing activities with outbound sales efforts. Uncover the true impact on target accounts, decision makers and and pipeline.
Get real-time Slack notifications when contacts view their One-To-Won pages and streams.