Create & Share Streams in just 5 simple steps

Generate hyper-personalized assets that convert 5X more than static pages and keep the entire buying group on the right track.

Getting Started

1. Trendemon's script

Add Trendemon’s code to your website using Google Tag Manager or directly to your HTML code.

2. Define Business goals

Integrate Trendemon to your Marketing Automation and CRM tools to define business goals like MQL and SQL.

3. Explore Content Performance

Trendemon will automatically uncover which content performs best at each stage on the buying journey.

4. Create a Content Stream

Use Trendemon’s insights to manually curate the content you want to display on your stream, or – use our AI-suggestions to create the sequence for you.

5. Share Your Stream

Share your Stream with prospects to engage them with the right content at the right stage of their journey

Explore Insights

Full Website Journeys

Automatically share your stream with SalesForce target contacts, and explore full website journeys of different personas in the buying committee.

Actionable Insights

Get actionable insights on content performance at each stage of the buying journey.

Journey Optimization

Let Trendemon’s Navigator uncover the optimal content journey for your buyers –  from landing page until conversion.

Want to learn more?

Sign up for a 30 day Free-Trial