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The Role Marketing Automation Plays In Amplifying Your Content Marketing Experience

As experienced marketers, we know the content marketing drill. First, develop customer personas and a target audience. Second, determine the appropriate message we want to convey to potential leads. Third, invest in hiring creative writing staff members or sourcing gifted freelance writers to put those messages into a succinct, yet persuasive format. Fourth, distribute the content and engage in other inbound marketing activities. And last, watch the leads come in. . However, this utopian content marketing schedule leaves out true, performance-based measurements that can properly evaluate the successes or failures of our content campaigns.

Why we need marketing automation solutions

Enter marketing automation. By adopting marketing automation software as part of content marketing strategies, marketers are often better able to capture and nurture leads, simplify the user acquisition process, and engage potential customers, thus drawing them closer to the point of sale. Complementary services to such systems include those such as Trendemon, where data-based insights can help marketers measure, predict, analyze valuable information that can help them implement necessary changes to best improve their content ROI.

Such software serves a few different functions, some of which help amplify the content marketing experience. Let’s take a quick look at how:

1. Lead nurturing and newsletter segmenting
The famous line “If you build it, they will come” from the film Filed of Dreams was surely not uttered by a marketer. In the world of content marketing, it is not enough to just be a clever writer or an expert marketer. The leads won’t just convert themselves into a sale, they need to be nurtured.
After all, the value of our content is only relevant if our potential target audience is actually exposed to it. Marketing automation software assists in increasing your content reach by distributing these messages to your relevant, segmented audience via various frequently-visited mediums and channels. For instance, in newsletters, nurturing flows and email marketing campaigns, marketers can deliver target-based messages to potential leads, thus increasing the probability of converting interest into actionable engagement.

2. Eases process of user acquisition
The sales funnel is not your average funnel. Think about a simple beer funnel: beer is poured in from the top and very quickly flows to the end. Neither a little push nor the slightest effort is needed to ensure this. Unfortunately, this is not nearly the case when it comes to the user acquisition funnel.
In fact, for marketers (even the most talented among them), this funnel often feels impenetrable in a highly competitive market where brands are fighting for each conversion. This reality requires creative and data-based messaging to more appropriately reach out to leads and ease the process of user acquisition. This won’t happen overnight, but will rather require to deeply understand your potential target audience in terms of figures. For instance, determining how much to spend on marketing advertising in order to secure a larger number of leads. This and many other decisions require precise intelligence that can be best captured via marketing automation tools.

3. Marketing automation helps marketers deliver the best messages to the right audience
Management pioneer Peter Drucker famously said, “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.” Well, the same can be applied to the world of content marketing. How will marketers be able to determine which messages were more effective if they fail to observe changes in conversions or customer buying habits? The answer is rather simple – they can’t do this manually. With only 24 hours in a day and an endless number of mediums and channels where messages are displayed, marketers must be supported by user-friendly marketing technologies.

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Quick cautionary clause

There is no doubt that marketers and similar professionals have already understood the power of such automation tools. According to a leading marketing research company, “…the overall market for automating marketing will grow from $3.2 billion in 2010 to $4.8 billion in 2015“.
Despite these encouraging stats on the marketing automation market, sourcing which software to use and examining which various parameters and customer segments to focus on will not be simple. Rather, this will still require brainstorming among your content and marketing teams as well as relying on your previous knowledge and experience vis-à-vis your customers. However, if you are able to successfully utilize the most effective tools for measuring and managing your content, you can contribute to a more positive content marketing experience.

How has marketing automation amplified your content marketing experience? Let us know how and which software you use – we are always excited to learn about new products and resources that helps marketers get the most out of their content.