How to Achieve Personalization at Scale – Webinar
How do you personalize B2B website experiences when you have over 50 different products, dozens of buyer personas and need to manage extremely long conversion cycles? This is the herculean challenge AudioCodes’ marketing team is confronted. We’ve asked our good friend Daniel Bleichman, who heads marketing operations at AudioCodes, to share with us his approach, tech stack and methods for managing such complex buyer journey scenarios.
Personalization is now regarded by digital marketers as the most effective yet most challenging form of digital optimization. In this webinar we explore best practices, share unique data about the B2B buying journey (especially in this new-normal following COVID-19) and learn how to build scalable, ABM compatible and adaptive website experiences that help engage the relevant personas. Which tools can be right for your organization and how to orchestrate them and tie them back to pipeline, revenue and outcomes? Watch our webinar to learn more. Here is also the presentation: