Bringg doubled website conversion rates in less than 6 months

About Bringg

Bringg is a delivery and fulfillment platform for enterprise retailers and logistics providers operating in more than 50 countries. Bringg’s platform enables companies to scale up and optimize the delivery of goods and services.


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"I am a big fan, and this opinion was not earned easily. We are very demanding, but Trendemon has some of the best services and staff that I've ever encountered, and I've been doing this for a long time"
Tania Fuchs
Marketing Director @ Bringg

The Challenge

Bringg invested time and effort in creating content for their website, yet struggled to incorporate that content at the right stage in buyer journeys in order to enhance engagement and ultimately increase conversions. 

The company faced difficulties in navigating journeys of organic traffic, and searched for a solution that would convert these visitors. 

In addition to that, Bringg was also interested in measuring and tracking content performance and attribution.

The Playbook

1) Bringg used Trendemon’s content attribution insights to uncover top-performing content.

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2) The company built personalized content offers for target audiences, and specifically for organic traffic. Bringg used embedded campaigns on their content areas such as blogs and resource centers, and placed these banners between the paragraphs. These embedded personalized offers effectively guided website visitors toward content that was relevant and helpful for their specific interests and needs.

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3) Bringg used Trendemon’s “Acquisition Analytics” to track the impact of personalized campaigns on organic traffic and explored the increased content engagement of target audiences and conversion rate uplift.bringg - sources2



4) The company also tracked the overall uplift of personalization through the entire website by exploring the metrics on Trendemon’s main dashboard page – Engagement and Conversion Rate Uplift.

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  • Note: The screens displayed above are from Trendemon’s demo account dashboard

The impact

The impact, observed in only 6 months, was huge – conversions soared, deals were being closed faster and CTR of personalized content offers increased dramatically.


Most notably, Conversion rates doubled.


Organic traffic visitors who engaged with Trendemon’s personalization offers read 4.4X more pages compared to non-optimized journeys of organic traffic.


Trendemon’s journey mapping and content attribution provided an easy way to explore full journeys and measure the performance of all content pages. One interesting fact that was observed, visitors who engaged with the blog content had a 33% higher conversion rate than visitors who didn’t, positioning the blog as a key factor in Bringg’s successful journeys.

Personalize Effortlessly

See how Trendemon can increase conversion of anonymous target visitors to pipeline opportunities without requiring developers, designers or data scientists.