Part 3: The Death of the Conversion Pixel This is a 3-part series. Click here for part 1, and here for part 2. As I mentioned in part 1, that agency meeting is what got the ball rolling for us to take on the challenge of measuring content for brands. What we needed now was to truly understand the market’s needs and pain points. We sat down with ad agencies, brand marketers, and advertisers to learn more about their challenges. We wanted to better understand why...
Part 2: Learning from Success, Learning from Failure This is a 3-part series. Click here to read part 1. In my last post, I described how brands are racing to stay relevant, and how TrenDemon recognized their pain point and set out to try to solve it. Maybe now you’d expect to see some example of some big brand’s huge content marketing success story and how we used them as a benchmark to define our product. But in reality, it’s just not...
Investments have been made. People have been hired. Results are expected. We all know that content marketing works. But what indicators tell you that your strategy is paying off? And if it’s not, how can you improve it? After talking to countless companies struggling with measuring 1their content efforts, we came up with a helpful cheat sheet. Here’s a little taste of four things that indicate the health state of your content marketing moves. For more, download the complete Cheat Sheet. Reach...
Part 1: The Race for Attention The room was packed. We’re visiting the 33rd floor of the building that housed one of the top agencies in the country. A small crowd of advertisers and analysts is gathered around the meeting table. They had come to learn about how our analytics are helping other companies measure their content marketing efforts. I opened by stating that for our solution to work, you first need to define clear online events as your goals....
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