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The Journey: How many SQLs does your website generate?

We’re proud to present you with the first ever edition of the “The Journey – Customer Journey Insights & Trends” blog post series. This initiative will educate, share industry insights, best practices and provide you with the must-read knowledge to enable a simple yet impactful journey orchestration on your website.

Over the past 2 years, with Covid playing a key role – Digital transformation has accelerated dramatically how B2B’s are selling and buying technology online.

Trendemon has a unique advantage by capturing and orchestrating millions of B2B buyer journeys from PLG (Product-Led Growth) to ABM (Account-Based Marketing) and how they’re being disrupted these days.

This month we intend to share with you some B2B industry insights and benchmarks our team has uncovered based on our journey mapping and analytics platform. With that, let’s go straight to this month’s questions:

How does an average B2B website convert visitor traffic to Sales Qualified Leads (SQL)?

Most of you see the impact of your web content in generating top of the funnel engagements, however not many industry experts know to pin-point what exactly happens during the rest of the journey in the pre-lead stage and what is the general impact of your site on Sales opportunities.

What have we learned from analyzing over 5 million buyer journeys in the past few months?

On an average we see that around 0.2% of website visitors will convert down the funnel to SQLs, when the top performing sites can achieve over 0.5% conversion rate which with no doubt considered a significant performance metric within your funnel.

When optimizing buyer journeys, we showed that you can influence not only the top funnel engagement metrics on your site, but rather the SQL conversions by up to X10.

Additional Takeaways

  • Our findings prove that on average 70% of all SQLs were engaged with your website prior to ‘officially’ pronounced as SQL.
  • We see a very strong link between increased engagements onsite and the forecast probability to become SQL – in practice engaged visitors are X3 times more likely to convert to SQL.

In our next research we will explore the % volume of pipeline your website accounts for and how it transformed over the past 2 years. This will allow you to get a wider perspective into how the website supports your revenue generation process, aiming to provide a full visibility of the impact of your website on your Sales cycles efficiency.

We would love to hear your thoughts and feedback and incorporate your ideas and requests in our following editions – just leave your comments below this blog post or send us an email:

Stay tuned for the next ‘Journey’…