Last year’s elevator pitch of “describe your business or product in 15 seconds or less” has seemingly turned into a Twitter-dominated “tell your story or idea in 140 characters”. In both cases, the final goal is quite clear – you must be able to deliver a clear message to the end user. This is especially true considering the level of impatience surrounding consumer behavior, whether those incidences result from the time it takes for customers to be persuaded to make...
Marketing teams worldwide spend significant amount of time thinking about their specific customer profiles and how to best match their offers to each one, from brainstorming ideas on how to segment customers based on specific attributes, to planning out the most appropriate email marketing campaigns to increase their CTR. All of these efforts are often concentrated under content marketing strategies to best generate, nurture, and maintain leads. To truly understand eventual impact on the customer experience, from initial interest and...
One of the major goals of the online marketer is getting as many leads as possible. However, it is not an easy task. So it’s important to pay special attention towards your marketing efforts and analyze the effectiveness of them. When it comes to online marketing efforts, especially in B2B online marketing, content marketing holds a prominent role. According to HubSpot, marketers who are consistent with blogging are 13 times more likely to get a positive ROI, and 69% of the most effective...
In recent years the topic of customer journey (sometimes called buyer journey or user journey) has got some well deserved attention. One of the main reasons this is becoming a hot topic (see this Google Trends chart) is because we are gathering so much information about users and their behaviors, it is now becoming possible to connect the dots, see where they’ve been and derive some meaningful insights. credit: Dilbert But first, what is a customer journey anyway? Customer Journey Definition...
So, we’re kinda idiots. For those who know us, that may not come as a real shock but to be a startup in the content marketing space and not have your own blog, well, that takes the prize... . That doesn’t mean we didn’t practice content marketing, write guest posts or use inbound marketing for lead generation or nurturing but we simply didn’t have our own blog. The main reason was that we put off starting our own blog until...
As growth hackers we are obsessed with doing more with less, maximizing ROI and performance, analyzing journeys and measuring and improving results. This post is part guide part observations and examples we came across from clients using TrenDemon. The opportunity - your blog can do SO much more One of the things we discovered early on at TrenDemon when we started working with B2B brands and content marketers is that they many have great blogs, awesome content which they regularly update...
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