The B2B buyers' journey can be a long one, with plenty of winding turns. When a company is looking for critical equipment or an enterprise software solution, the purchasing process can take many months and involve multiple decision-makers within the organization. This journey poses challenges for sales and marketing teams. It doesn't do much good to serve up content that shows off your product's best features. Why? Because that buyer is already familiar with your product's best features and is...
If there's one thing we know for sure about B2B buyers, it's that they rarely make an on-the-spot decision. Instead, they search Google to weigh their options, where they might come across your business in the process–or they might not. During their journey, B2B buyers don't want surprises and confusion. 80% appreciate content that helps them learn about a product or service during their research stage. This explains why B2B marketing is about providing the right content and information at...
As marketing methods and practices become more and more complex, measuring the whole process is more important than ever. B2B marketing attribution does precisely that. Marketing attribution is a practice designed to evaluate the marketing touchpoints along the buying/selling cycle, determine which channels and content had the most significant impact, and lead to the best conversion results. As 60% of B2B sales organizations will transition to a data-driven selling approach by 2025, correct B2B marketing attribution will become more critical....
B2B marketing is changing. Diving into the hard sell no longer cuts the mustard. Buyers want to feel empowered to make the journey themselves. 60% of prospects search for a brand before buying, so businesses need to create informative content that guides stakeholders along the path to purchase—and down the sales funnel. Top-of-funnel (TOFU) marketing helps you grab the attention of buyers unfamiliar with your brand, product, or service. You can generate leads by appealing to a wide audience across...
Monitoring the sales processes for your business isn't easy. There's so much data to collect, so many metrics to track, and even more answers to find. But what if you could optimize your B2B sales pipeline to gain better visibility over your prospects' buying journeys or deal stages? Tracking the deal stages in your sales pipeline isn't just essential for maximizing conversions. The data you gather can also help you forecast, set KPIs, and ensure that your sales team feels...
For B2B marketers, the big question about sales funnels is: do you prefer your funnel right-side up or upside down? In the traditional lead generation model, you seek to bring in lots of leads through the top of the funnel, nurturing them down to the narrow end where you're left with a few well-qualified leads ready to convert. With account-based marketing, you start with one carefully-selected lead at the top, identify the key decision-makers you need to win over, and...
For many B2B companies, account-based marketing is one of the most effective ways to cultivate high-quality leads. However, your marketing system's advantages can evaporate if you hand these leads off to a sales team that hasn't fully adapted to an account-based strategy. The solution is to make sure they use a complementary approach: account-based sales. Account-based marketing (ABM) has been around for a long time, but big data has ushered in a true renaissance for this marketing method. In 2021,...
While there may be bountiful customer data sources all around us, it's not always easy to find meaningful signals amidst all the noise. The accuracy and relevance of data are a significant concern. 72% of organizations are convinced that data quality issues affect how their customers trust and perceive them. Rich, high-quality customer data is needed for your sales team to make deep customer connections that convert. While basic tools like lead capture forms can help you amass reliably accurate...
Email marketing proves just how much you can accomplish with old-school techniques. While email may not be the hottest tech around, it still generates a whopping 4,200% ROI. For B2B sellers especially, email remains the preferred communications channel to reach key decision-makers. In order to utilize email’s vast potential, marketers have to develop ways to cut through the noise and get their audience to not just click on their emails so they technically count as “read,” but actually engage with...
We 've recently invited Beth Hanson to speak with us on how they orchestrate buyer journeys on their website. Beth shared their playbook, along with interesting learnings on what they saw work and what didn't. Here is a recording of that webinar together with the slides that we presented, enjoy! The presentation slides:
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