I just flew in from Las Vegas and boy are my arms tired! We spent last week at CMI's Intelligent Content Conference, where we got to speak to content marketers about the future of content marketing measurement. You can find our deck here. But beyond that, we had the opportunity to learn from other ICC speakers. In a conference that is known for being tech-heavy, there was a huge emphasis on the people on the other side of the technology. In his...
Have you noticed a change in your online browsing experience in the last week or so? If you’re using Google Chrome, that could be your user experience improving by a mile. Last week, Google released an ad blocker native to Chrome. Considering that ad revenue is almost 90% of Google’s revenue, this move may seem a bit self-defeating. But as a long-term strategy, this move definitely makes sense. By hindering display's abilities, Google has taken steps to ensure this revenue stream’s...
In another lifetime, my manager told me to delete a joke from a piece because business people “don’t believe in comedy.” Nevermind that we live in a world with two whole continents worth of “The Office,” or that I didn’t even think I was being funny. The stony-faced bosses shaved that piece of writing down until it was just a husk of jargon-y catchphrases. Like something a machine would make. But our audiences are human -- fatigued, content overloaded humans....
Have you installed a chatbot yet? No? What about a podcast? Podcasts are really hot at the moment. Have you started one? VR. You really need to look into VR. No? Facebook live? 360 video? Vine? You really need to get on Vine. That’s the future of content market - oh, wait Hurry up, you’re getting behind. ************* It’s so easy to fall into the trap of trying any new content format or platform that comes up. It’s like in high...
I’ve been a rabid consumer of content since the day I was born, and so has most of mankind for the better part of a century. For Baby Boomers, Gen-Xers, Millennials, and every other age group with whatever buzzword or label they have - our eyes have been glued to some screen or another our entire lives, consuming endless hours of content. That being said, as a content marketer with more than a decade of experience, I’m baffled by the...
Content marketers can often have a love/hate relationship with calls to action. There’s always the fear that a call-to-action can come across as too sales-y or aggressive, and placement and design can be a head-scratcher. If you decide to add a CTA to your article body, here are a few mistakes to avoid. 1) Not considering the traffic source or campaign. User behavior differs from platform to platform, and also by traffic source. For example - people engaging with your...
Part 3: The Death of the Conversion Pixel This is a 3-part series. Click here for part 1, and here for part 2. As I mentioned in part 1, that agency meeting is what got the ball rolling for us to take on the challenge of measuring content for brands. What we needed now was to truly understand the market’s needs and pain points. We sat down with ad agencies, brand marketers, and advertisers to learn more about their challenges. We wanted to better understand why...
Part 2: Learning from Success, Learning from Failure This is a 3-part series. Click here to read part 1. In my last post, I described how brands are racing to stay relevant, and how TrenDemon recognized their pain point and set out to try to solve it. Maybe now you’d expect to see some example of some big brand’s huge content marketing success story and how we used them as a benchmark to define our product. But in reality, it’s just not...
Part 1: The Race for Attention The room was packed. We’re visiting the 33rd floor of the building that housed one of the top agencies in the country. A small crowd of advertisers and analysts is gathered around the meeting table. They had come to learn about how our analytics are helping other companies measure their content marketing efforts. I opened by stating that for our solution to work, you first need to define clear online events as your goals....
How can content marketing analytics help uncover hidden opportunities in your data? Opportunities that can give you the edge you need to overcome powerful competitors? We will look at how the right marketing attribution metrics can help predict future outcomes. But most importantly, we’ll try to show, how small and lean operations can do content marketing effectively, and outperform competitors with massive budgets. But first, let's go back. Way back. When Winter Came 1939. Following the failed negotiations between Finland and...
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