In the competitive landscape of B2B Marketing, strategies have become increasingly dependent on website optimization. For B2B marketers, the process of optimizing websites demands a unique approach that focuses on both the journey-level and the page-level. In this post, we will explore the world of website optimization for B2B companies, highlighting the key differences between B2B website personalization and optimization vs B2C, and why they must be a part of your strategy. B2B vs. B2C Website Optimization: Notable Differences Understanding...
Now more than ever, businesses are prioritizing efficiency over growth; you need to be able to show proof of value, or you’ll be wished adieu. However, figuring out your website ROI can be hard as f**k, or is it? As we know, ROI consists of 2 parts, the return, and the investment; the investment part is usually straightforward as it's usually how much you spend on your website. The real challenge is finding the return. In this post, we will share a...
One thing we can definitely take from 2022 is that it’s a buyer's world, and we're just living in it. The road these buyer journeys are on is longer and bumpier than ever. Let’s get right into it. Picking up from where we left off in part 1 of our analysis. In this edition, we will talk about statistics on the impact of personalized content and experiences on accounts. How Many People For Each Target Account Are Visiting Your Website?...
B2B marketers attempt to win over buyers by creating vast digital worlds of design and content. However, the most challenging part of the job is proving that you actually generated sales. Brand awareness is one of a marketing campaign's least measurable outcomes and perhaps the most important. It can directly affect every other performance indicator that matters. The hard-to-grasp nature of increasing brand awareness is reflected in two key statistics. 84% of marketers list increasing brand awareness as their most...
Leads are the lifeblood of B2B. When you're selling high-value business solutions, every purchase counts. The only way to keep the revenue stream flowing is to find viable leads for your sales team. The leads you want to focus on have already shown some interest in purchasing, categorized as either Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) or Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs). Everybody agrees that the key distinction between MQLs and SQLs is that SQLs are more interested and prepared to purchase than...
So far we’ve explored the importance and methods for measuring MarTech ROI and Uplift. Now, we’d like to dive deeper on how to maximize conversion rates of target accounts visiting your site into pipeline opportunities. Like many things in life and in marketing, the theory is simple enough, but it's all about the execution. The theory has 3 parts: Segmentation, Identification and Activation. Each of those sections can make or break the effectiveness of the entire process. Segmentation - Breakdown...
B2B marketing attribution is critical for knowing which of your marketing efforts are driving results. Without it, you may be spending money on the wrong marketing channels and missing out on key insights. But here’s the challenge… Attribution in B2B marketing can be tricky. Long sales cycles, multiple touchpoints, and complex customer journeys make it hard to track what’s working. This is especially true for businesses trying to manage top-of-the-funnel campaigns and correctly assign credits across different channels. The good...
Marketing to businesses just isn't the same as marketing to consumers. Nobody's impulse-buying B2B solutions at one in the morning because they saw a hilarious viral ad. B2B sales are driven by the conscientious nurturing of qualified leads, and running out of leads means no more deals on the horizon. That's why B2B sellers must generate an ample supply of leads on an ongoing basis. Lead generation is a high priority for 85% of B2B companies, and more than six...
As we’ve discussed in our previous post on measuring MarTech ROI , evaluating the impact of tech on business is hard. In this edition of the journey we’ll zoom in on one key component required for this evaluation - uplift. We will show how here at Trendemon we analyze it and reveal some interesting benchmarks and correlations around this topic. A recent survey by DemandGen Report states that only 10% of B2B marketers think they have an excellent ability to measure and analyze marketing performance and impact. 54% of B2B...
Today, businesses have access to more data than ever before. The sophistication of online metrics, data tracking, and customer analytics has changed how businesses interact with their customers for the better. Tools like Google Analytics and Search Console help businesses understand how customers interact with the online world, enabling them to act and react differently based on data patterns. 72% of business leaders in the B2B space say that the universal push toward digital transformation has created more data reliance...
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